Scroll back to pre-lockdown. Its Friday, you’ve just got home after a busy week and now its time to relax and unwind. No Zoom quizzes or FaceTime catch-ups with friends to worry about. So what do most women do first? Get upstairs and take their bra off!…
What is the rationale behind the throwaway business model? What do we forfeit by allowing this to endure? Below was my experience in intimate apparel and the fast fashion frenzy, which at the time, had just began to emerge. Some years ago I worked as a Design…
In more recent times I am finding myself entering into conversations where the central solution is the value of prioritising good design and functionality. It should be considered a rite of passage in tackling any product development process. There are many occasions, where as a designer…
My favourite high streets have always been those that are like a showcase of the local business and entrepreneurial talent populating an area. It offers a community behind every shop window, reflecting the people that live and work there. It’s the most exciting shopping trip. A…
The strain so many of our retailers are under right now is having a huge ripple effect on our creative industry. New product is low on the list since most retailers have enough stock to see them through to next year, if they indeed…
The Product Developer is the next step in the cycle from our Designer. A collection can look amazing on paper but can it be turned into a living, breathing garment? A product developer is someone who can manage this transitional phase from sketch to prototype…
It is Fashion Revolution Week this week. The burden our current world situation is placing on our manufactures has captured everyone’s attention for a good many weeks. This week serves to keep the conversation flowing. Manufactures are an integral part of the production cycle. Without them…
Changes in more positive situations make for interesting conversations and exciting new journeys. At Source Lingerie we finally re-vamped our services and turned the page on a new chapter. But how about your journey? Most plans right now have been scrapped or put on hiatus. However…
Every day now I see the inevitable effects of a retail industry under pressure from a zero footfall situation. We can all relate one way or another. Covid 19 has pressed pause on all our usual progress and activities. However I will always say, no one…
So today is the first day of spring! Birds are in full chorus, mornings are getting lighter, plants are budding… In amongst all the gloom a time for change and renew could be the positive focus. Personally I like flags throughout the year where I can…